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Make sure banks don’t fund more coal

The science is abundantly clear that we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground to ensure a future for our planet, and that means we can’t let any new coal plants be built anywhere in the world. So the Vung Ang 2 coal-fired power station in Central Vietnam – currently planned for financing by Japan’s biggest banks – is a definite no-go.

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SpineMed Systems

We, SpineMed Systems Pvt. Ltd are a Medical Device Export company, dealing in Orthopedic, Neuro and General Surgery Instruments, Implants and OR Equipments for the world class manufacturers based in India. SpineMed is in the healthcare business for more than 15 years, offering quality products […]

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Building an Engaged Online Member Community

Dec 11, 2015: An in-depth, fa­cil­it­ated con­ver­sa­tion that ex­plore ap­proaches, tools, and plat­forms for build­ing suc­cess­ful on­line mem­ber com­mu­nit­ies with more act­ive, en­gaged par­ti­cipants. Is it more ef­fect­ive to de­vel­op a plat­form in-house, or take ad­vant­age of the ex­ist­ing cap­ab­il­it­ies of sites like Linked­In? What […]

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