0 4 min 3 yrs

Dec 12, 2015: A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System is all about identifying, satisfying, retaining and maximizing the value of a company’s best customers. A good CRM can fit your business model and integrate into applications and services on Web / Mobile. Mainly take care of user’s expectations:

Open Source CRM system customisation with dedicated hosting cloud:

• Lower operational costs
• Deliver a superior customer service
• Increase profit potential from a strong customer relationship
• Establish a low cost communication link with customers
• Reduce time to market of new propositions
• Manage channel conflicts
• Increase market share and revenue per customer
• Improve workforce productivity
• Improvement in process flow
• Improve customer retention rates
• Manager the Orders / Online Commerce

Having deeper knowledge about customers gives you opportunities! Our CRM is best for one-to one marketing, getting customer feedback that leads to new and improved product and services of your company. Business solutions to specific domains like Insurance, Healthcare, HR, Sports, Non-profits, Finance, Education, Traders, Shipping and Logistics, retail, real estate, and e-commerce – with exposure in review and rating system for restaurants, ERP, CRM, EHS, CMS and much more.

Explore more at https://c.osspl.com

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