Dec 11, 2015: An in-depth, facilitated conversation that explore approaches, tools, and platforms for building successful online member communities with more active, engaged participants. Is it more effective to develop a platform in-house, or take advantage of the existing capabilities of sites like LinkedIn? What is the best way to seed and nurture conversations among community members, and to relate these engagement “wins” back to overall communications goals and objectives of the non-cronies world at large? Research examples and perspectives, and Peer-to-Peer participants explore challenges and successes, to arrive at key takeaways.
These days, it seems it’s all about the content. We know that insiders tend to trust content more than channel or source, and that advocacy groups have tremendous amounts of content at their disposal. But what types of content are most effective, and how can teams better manage the process of creating and sharing their content? Explore the process and tools for managing an organization’s content creation process.