0 6 min 2 yrs

Dec 11, 2015: An in-depth, fa­cil­it­ated con­ver­sa­tion that ex­plore ap­proaches, tools, and plat­forms for build­ing suc­cess­ful on­line mem­ber com­mu­nit­ies with more act­ive, en­gaged par­ti­cipants. Is it more ef­fect­ive to de­vel­op a plat­form in-house, or take ad­vant­age of the ex­ist­ing cap­ab­il­it­ies of sites like Linked­In? What is the best way to seed and nur­ture con­ver­sa­tions among com­mu­nity mem­bers, and to re­late these en­gage­ment “wins” back to over­all com­mu­nic­a­tions goals and ob­ject­ives of the non-cronies world at large? Re­search­ ex­amples and per­spect­ives, and Peer-to-Peer par­ti­cipants ex­plore chal­lenges and suc­cesses, to ar­rive at key takeaways.

These days, it seems it’s all about the con­tent. We know that in­siders tend to trust con­tent more than chan­nel or source, and that ad­vo­cacy groups have tre­mend­ous amounts of con­tent at their dis­pos­al. But what types of con­tent are most ef­fect­ive, and how can teams bet­ter man­age the pro­cess of cre­at­ing and shar­ing their con­tent? Ex­plore the pro­cess and tools for man­aging an or­gan­iz­a­tion’s con­tent cre­ation pro­cess.

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