Message from Webmaster: Editorial Guidelines, Content Quality & Copyright Policy: Be sure to tell us why you think your story, PR / listing or even an alliance proposal is something we should check out and respond with priority or interest. Remember: Unlike other hyped online (Portal or OTT Media) platforms, we stick to our self-regulations / policies since last 15 years, we do not approve just anything or compromise our own established value systems, cultural wisdom and humanitarian principles – for more bucks or fame.
Its a business, social, and economics portal, not a political site per se, though it may sound free politics for some lovers. Diverse readers are invited and should feel comfortable. When writing a comment or story, we check our political views at the door, so to speak. It’s OK to mention politicians and policy issues. It’s not OK to descend into partisan bickering. Also note that we do NOT publish sponsored posts.
By registering or login here, you must read and agree to our ToS, Privacy Policy and Code of Ethics. You acknowledge that any IP & email can be logged for security purposes. Skip signin / signup if you do not agree. Editorial Guidelines apply to blogs, listings, press releases, articles, ad copies, videos, queries, comments, forum topics and all other web content (e.g. personal and official blogs, groups, pages, apps, social media updates and podcasts) managed by our Content Network including Real Estate Times, WisePoint, SocialPoint etc.
Basic Guiding Principle and Code of Conduct: Digital Editorship / Blogging is a form of public conversation and social networking on the Internet, in which people take part. When a blogger, author, writer, partner, editor or journalist is given privilege to post articles, PR, news story and/or discusses their work, we expect them to behave well, and in ways that are consistent with our Editorial Values, Ethics, Policies, applicable local and international laws.
We do not (re)publish copyrighted or unverified content or news items from anonymous users. Join as a free registered member and submit contents for quick approval and publishing. Regular members can contact us for publisher or editorial status (Please mention your Username and paste your complete profile in the form. Promotion or Featuring is subject to approval). How to publish content? Refer Digital Media FAQs.
We welcome articles, news stories, PRs, reviews and comments from readers & writers. Email your suggestions, grievances or complaints to editor@wisepoint.org with your full name, address, phone and email. We do NOT use third party social media platforms like Meta, X, Whatsapp, Insta, LinkedIn, Telegram, etc as a mode of official communications for support, complaint or help. You may also login and post here.
We thrive off story & article submissions from readers, supporters, editors, journalists, customers, partners and employees. If you are a domain expert, technology journalist, web company associate, citizen journalist, a trustworthy brave whistle-blower, freelance editor/writer, Internet research scholar or simply have a different opinion about the world, do not hesitate to submit blogs, articles or press stories. They will be reviewed, published and distributed world-wide. You can also attach related images or videos in gif, jpg, wav, mpeg, mp3, mp4 or png format. Submit your FREE blog – Know more about our media services & citizen reporting practices.
You can also submit real estate, finance & economy content, Jobs / Resumes and other specialised topics. The system will take it and format it nicely for us to review, comment on, and possibly publish and distribute to all users and subscribers. Our news stories and reports are also syndicated by many other magazines, internet blogs, media websites, etc. Please stick to the basic guidelines as below before submitting.
We will not post 2 line press releases or just promo of your web links, NO paid advocacy sock-puppeting, be straight and open! Stick to content guidelines and terms published on each website. We get way too many of these, removed in bulk anyway. A self-pampered press release or your hyped company or personal profile are practically unverifiable content for us, and we want something BIG we can dig into or reasonably verify. We only consider only full length feature articles, web reviews and reports, editorials, real experiences, case studies related to Information Technology, Real Estate, Social Media, Software & Web Development, Telecom, Lifestyle, Search Engines, Digital economy and other trending topics.
You can provide interesting links and commentary on longer articles about web business and internet technology written elsewhere. If you just send in a little blurb saying “I like xyz.com and think they are great” we will not publish it. Find an article about that site and topic, your comments, reviews and provide the link, and we’re more likely to find it worth publishing. We will publish news that is new and recent. Keep these things in mind, and we look forward to your submissions.
Post FREE News Blogs, Articles and PRs. If you own a blog, we might also consider publishing your Site Feeds on this news portal, Register or login to submit your website feed JSON or XML. If you have some other idea about our site, please use our contact form, and that will email us your ideas. If you just want to suggest ONLY web links, signup and put a comment.
Press Releases & News Stories: It’s important to understand what we look for in a press release. Our press release guidelines are designed help your news get fast approval and distribution. Use of our content distribution network sites is subject to these guidelines and site specific Terms of Service.
News or PR Style – Style is the way you establish credibility with your audience. Credibility is key to effective communication. News style is used for writing press releases. It encompasses vocabulary, sentence structure, and how you present the information to your audience in terms of relative importance and tone.
Inverted Pyramid Structure – Inverted pyramid structure means writing from most important to least important facts and answering the following questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Tone – Your mission is to establish credibility with your audience so that it sees your message as truthful, reliable, and believable. The tone of your press release plays a large role in establishing it’s credibility.
A press release should never sound like an advertisement or PR stunt. It shouldn’t include any claims of your product or service as being revolutionary, amazing, out of the world. Use of upper case characters to create emphasis and exclamation marks is a sign of hyperbole. Remember, news writing is not copy-writing.
Quotes – News is written in third person. The only time your press release should contain pronouns such as “I,” “we,” “us,” “you,” “your,” etc. is when you are quoting a spokesperson. Opinions should only be expressed inside quotation marks.
Active Words, Strong Words, and Phrases – Use active words to make your writing more interesting. Use strong words and phrases that engage the reader’s attention.
Legally Accurate – All press releases referencing legal action or criminal matters must include a case number, court of record, complaint number or other means of documentation that we can verify.
Valid Contact Info – All press releases must contain a valid phone number and e-mail address in the contact information or user a/c.
Grammar and Spelling – First impressions matter. Choose grammar carefully. Your message must be understood by your audience. Your press release should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.
Ads, Articles, Reprints, Fiction, Fake News or Blog Posts – Please do not submit advertisements, articles, reader opinion pieces, reprints, fiction, fake news or blog posts.
Affiliate URLs – A press release should promote only a website or mobile app with unique content. We don’t allow the promotion of the following:
Bridge pages – Web pages that act as an intermediary, whose sole purpose is to link or redirect traffic to the parent company.
Framing – web pages that replicate the look and the feel of a parent site. Your site or app must not mirror your parent company’s or any other site.
Anchor Text – We believe anchor text links when used judiciously make it easier to read a press release. Please only include 1 to 2 links per submission.
Use of Celebrity’s Name (Right of Publicity) – Use of a celebrity’s name in your press release, even fleeting references, for commercial purposes is not acceptable without written permission.
Copyright – Don’t promote copyrighted content without permission.
Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia – Don’t promote drugs and drug paraphernalia, including drug accessories, illegal drugs, and herbal drugs such as salvia and magic mushrooms.
Hacking – Don’t promote hacking, including tools that aid in copyright infringement.
Health Claims and Miracle Cures – Don’t promote miracle cures, including the promotion of health claims or miracle cures, such as “Cure cancer overnight!”
Intent to Harm – We will not publish press releases that contains any content that is intended to harm or exact revenge upon an individual or group.
Online Gambling – Don’t promote online gambling or related sites. Online gambling includes, but is not limited to, the following:
financial scams
sports books and sports betting
lotteries & bingo
sites that provide tips, odds, and handicapping
software facilitating online casinos and gambling
gambling tutoring online
gambling-related eBooks
‘play for fun’ gambling or casino games of skill, including sites where the primary purpose is ‘play for fun’ gambling affiliate sites with the primary purpose of driving traffic to online gambling sites
Sexual & Adult Content – Don’t promote sexually explicit material, adult content or services, hate or violence-oriented, suggest racial intolerance, advocate against any individual, have insulting-obscene-degrading tone, or contain profanity.
Solicitation of Funds – The solicitation of funds is restricted. If the solicitation of funds is promoted in the press release text or occupies a significant portion of your site, the press release landing page should clearly display country-specific legal tax-exempt status, and should state whether the donations are tax-deductible in full or in part.
SPAM – Avoid using words and phrases like get-rich, amazing, FREE, miracle mobile app, make money, as well as anything to do with health supplements, illegal drugs or drugs for sexual enhancement.
Tobacco and Cigarettes – Don’t promote tobacco-related products, including cigarettes, cigars, tobacco pipes, rolling papers, electronic cigarettes, and e-cigarette cartridges.
Weapons – The promotion of weapons is restricted. Don’t promote firearms, firearm components, ammunition, bali songs, switch blades, butterfly knives, and brass knuckles.
Paid Authorship: It is formed to advance and promote the creative freedom of all writers and members of our content network and managed client’s digital assets. The price you earn depends on: urgency, difficulty of the project and viewer’s or client’s feedback on your work. Benefits subject to sponsorships, authenticity, originality, uniqueness, views, votes and clicks received by the author’s contributed materials. Regular members are considered for payment ONLY after they contribute 5 successful articles or stories. Authors, Editors or Content Writers can click here to submit profile for FREE!
Looking to Hire a Content Writer? We provide Article and PR submission service with articles writing by professional content writers for a small fee, tailored with research for your industry and subject.
Open Digital Media Since 2006 to forever!
Free Press Release Submissions ★ News Portal ★ Network of ethical content sites, press articles, discussions, reviews, opinions, answers, stories, classifieds ★ Citizen reporters ★ Consumer advocacy ★ Encouraging diverse communities ★ We’re editing, publishing, sharing user-generated content of real worth, not for bucks ★ Attracting readers under served by media obsessed with rumor, indoctrination, hype, bias or ephemera. Join our open change movement!
Editor / Webmaster