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No guns / nukes – allow use of brands, apps, gadgets & software for loot & terror! Polity 2025+

Everyone would see there is a new vulnerability, and we’d be on our way to large investments in new security programs now, involving supply chains, transportation, cell-phone restrictions on airplanes, etc. and we’d all accept the changes. Nothing to do except cry some crocodile tears and sweep it under the rug.

Banking / Finance Corruption Law / Legal Lifestyle Politics Software Startup Technology Telecom World विश्वगुरु

AI Netagiri, Data Vampires and Fate of Democracies

Seasons chilling projectiles.. AI reels of Twilight Vampires, greeting the data-sucking psychopath + sociopath creatures of 13th+ dimension. Generative AI threatens three central pillars of democratic governance: representation, accountability, and, ultimately, the most important currency in a political system – trust. AI also used by content providers to automatically generate text, image, or video content and more..

Education Law / Legal Lifestyle Media / PR People Politics Software Startup Technology World विश्वगुरु

No lessons from revolts, the corrupt always plans invading wherever profits are under threat

But what if a communal terrorist is replaced with a financial terrorist? Are we really better-off? Who comes out victorious from a revolution or inqilab or मंथन? Can the corrupt loot-wing bhakts be paralyzed via social change or they keep terrorizing citizens with more inflation, more devaluation, more sedition, more bribes, more taxes, more hypes, more divisions, more genocides, more viruses, more wars, more rapes, more loot..? Watch-out!

Banking / Finance Corruption Economy Lifestyle People Politics World विश्वगुरु