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No lessons from revolts, the corrupt always plans invading wherever its cronies profits are under threat

But what if a communal terrorist is replaced with a financial terrorist? Are we really better-off? Who comes out victorious from a revolution or inqilab or मंथन? Can the corrupt loot-wing bhakts be paralyzed via social change or they keep terrorizing citizens with more inflation, more devaluation, more sedition, more bribes, more taxes, more hypes, more divisions, more genocides, more viruses, more wars, more rapes, more loot..? Watch-out!

Banking / Finance Corruption Economy Lifestyle People Politics Sports World विश्वगुरु

How to Make your own Bulk Surveillance System – Counter Spying!

Only well-resourced parties like govt-run NSA could deploy such a grandiose surveillance program and even share so-called derived intelligence with like-minded spies, smart agencies and cronies worldwide, obviously in exchange for kind or cash. But if your spy needs are more modest, there are a number of existing tools available that offer similar surveillance capabilities, albeit at a smaller scale.

Corruption Infrastructure Linux Media / PR Politics Software Technology Telecom World विश्वगुरु

Smart Cities Living Up to the Pandemic Hype!

Heard that Vitamin D is good for bones, it is a life compound when activated by Sun’s UV rays triggers a series of biochemical reactions converting to an active substance that awakes more than 900 genes, namely it strikes our suppressed / mutated DNA or the universally unique genome code. No need to ponder – as we’re neither responsible for its origin or its possible disappearance, sooner or later.

Health Lifestyle People Politics

A Social Media Wing to watch / spy the society – stalking critics to save cronies?

Focus on uprising urban youth carrying fancy app-centrist gadgets with creative state sponsored advert bytes abusing AI and Big Data! Sounds like, instead of fixing the root cause called, corrupt approach to public life and governance, they are venturing to fix and dare the uprising commoners with help of smarty babus, loot wing think-tanks and profiteering agencies.

Corruption Entertainment Law / Legal Lifestyle Media / PR Politics Technology