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Urban Property Ownership Record Project

Be it real estate or housing property, UPOR offers a single window interface for providing updated, authentic and legal digital property ownership cards created out of highly accurate spatial data, linked with updated ownership and land use information. UPOR will ensure absolute precision in urban property management and significantly reduce land litigations with clear-cut ownership records in place.

Builders Infrastructure Investment Law / Legal People Politics Real Estate

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Declining Commodity Prices was a big concern few years back!

Capitalism’s Manufactured Cyclical Confusion: Implication of falling oil prices in oil-exporting countries has benefited oil importing countries. A number of structural Fiscal reforms, the adjustment in fiscal policies and framework favoring growth, equity considerations, liquidity management and more flexible exchange rate regime and Reform of […]

Banking / Finance Climate Economy Energy Infrastructure Manufacturing People Politics World विश्वगुरु

M-farming to feed the next billions – ITU Connected ECO Project

Apr 22, 2015: By collecting live data on crop and soil conditions, Connected ECO can facilitate customized farming to maximize agricultural yield. Farmers are given wireless IoT sensor developed by a technology partner which are programmed to measure vital agricultural data points including humidity levels, […]

Agriculture Climate Food / Beverages Infrastructure Investment Lifestyle Linux People Politics Software Startup Technology World विश्वगुरु