Missions to far objects of universe are surely successes of astronomical order for the scientific community, though it cannot be a stimulant to soothe the suffering billions on Earth. Like West, we may have triumphed an interplanetary mission, placing a satellite into orbit around Mars, but real focus of the elite club of deep-space explorers worldwide is to secure and reserve safe-heavens for its paymasters – rulers and its rich allies. Where will the Martian cronies flee in case of mass-uprisings in digital future? How will they monitor and target when Earthly regions opposing them gets bigger and bigger?
Sep 24, 2014: Our space programs can conduct complex missions and act as launch pad for commercial, navigational and research satellites for rest of the world. Surely we have a robust scientific and technical educational system that produce millions of software programmers, engineers and doctors – but mostly in laps of big capitalists building custom launch-pads for musky masters, far from furthering human endeavors to build a better planet. World is not Enough. Is just access to knowledge enough?