Raise the bar, reset the goals of public universal education from merely getting a seat in a branded shop, a govt job, become a doctor or engineer or politician… pocketing a 6 figure salary to something much higher, much creative, much spiritual – towards justifying our human birth, towards injecting moral, innovative, empathetic and ethical examples into living beings and to please the invincible creators watching us 24/7, don’t let them shame on their beautiful creations being converted into slaves of few greedy bugs. We are moving towards manufacturing uneducated banana republics led by mushrooming unemployed mobs. Today’s Governments must feel as much enthusiastic while discussing public education and other social welfare systems, just like they gets excited while taking about finance, taxes, patriotism, trade, infrastructure, business, economy, votes, GDP, budget or even religion.
The future of education is a much talked about theme to address learning crisis that threatens development in India, where half the population is under 25 – absent teachers, lack of incentives and low standards force Indians (rich and poor) into corporate business schools, privately run by opportunistic money suckers with covert or overt political affiliations and backdoor profit-sharing jugaad. These 5-star schools are build on ruins of dying public systems and assets, which were strategically buried by the same fellows & co you elected using the fancy EVM buttons. A classic example of Privatizing Profits and Socializing Losses. Change agents in quality education need to place students of all strata in the center and leverage teachers and technology in ways that will support anytime, anywhere learning with minimal or very low cost of education. This will in turn help students as learners to hone skills and knowledge that will allow them to freely use all technologies (not just few promoted ones!) to succeed and sustain themselves in the world of tomorrow, which are surely going to be much more challenging in today’s comparison.
Nov 11, 2019: Stop patronizing few fancy mobile app brands which are just luring adverts by private honks to monopolize and suck extra bucks, making GenXYZ kids more vulnerable. In digital age, its unacceptable for publishers and tech smarties to impose the same principles of scarcity that would apply to a physical product, to digital files via such eLearning mobile apps, security breaches, AI surveillance, forced preaching, monopolizing privacy theft.
Some teachers even enjoy higher standard of living thanks to profit making private training units, but it is also counter productive, attracting the wrong kind of morally corrupt educators, there is no obvious reward for performance and children are promoted automatically to boost rankings, ROI and stats. The Big Factors research and planning that will act as change agents for the future in universal education include:youth-led innovation high-impact service learning, technology and removal of profiteering cronies.
Youth-led innovation – A build to understand concept centered in the creation of real-world solutions can revamp curriculum and assessment. Passion-based problem-solving with real world implications should be the focus of education. Schools will become centers where students can test the practical application of their ideas and innovations. This radical method of learning shall transform assessment methods as well. Skills acquired through youth-led innovation will be documented, learning paths outlined and thereafter credits awarded.
High-impact service learning – coordinated and targeted community service and development initiatives taken up by schools. This includes but is not limited to focused student led activities like water monitoring / conservation health and hygiene activism energy inspections / preservation and the like. Schools will serve as vehicles of high-impact service learning and social action that will create the framework to facilitate sustainable communities.
Technology – the importance of open non-propitiatory technology in education can hardly be overemphasized. Classrooms across the world are and will undergo transformation. Virtual classrooms, flat classroom projects, wikis and clouds are already part of the jargon that students are familiar with. For many schools one-to-one education represents the ultimate in technology infusion; introduction of one-to-one laptop program as a paradigm shift in how instruction is delivered. That shift has already occurred in one form or another at all major colleges and universities in the World; thus a rigorous college preparatory education must include one-to-one learning immersion. 21st century schools commit to the academic infusion of technology and education. Skills we impart to our students will give them the competitive advantage to sustainably succeed in future.
Removal of Cronies, Rampant Profiteers and Branding Gurus from All Education Systems: Fighting against chanakya concepts (नीति से दुर्नीति) like National Education Policy to colonize non-compliance states and diverse communities. These are not simple or popular ideas, but will surely clean almost 90% of filth hindering the development of wiser populaces.
The future of education begins today. Tangible ideas that will transform the scene of education can be uncovered by making educated predictions. However the youth of tomorrow will define their learning methods in ways that cannot even be fathomed today!
2 thoughts on “Big Ideas that can change the Indian Education Scene for Better”
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In digital age, its unacceptable for a publisher to impose the same principles of scarcity that would apply to a physical product, to digital files via DRM.
All those lower income but honest tax-paying parents who wish good future for their kids must demand for more drastic reforms and ban abuse of पब्लिक प्राइवेट पार्टनरशिप or the so-called PPP aur pe for promoting education business, some things best left not for trade between few like-minded cronies!