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Structural Retrofitting solutions across India

We are pleased to introduce Sanrachana Structural Strengthening Pvt Ltd. leaders in the field of ​​Structural Retrofitting. We offer and execute solution​s​ for ​​structural strengthening of RCC structures, Repairs, Seismic Retrofitting, Blast up-gradation for industrial, commercial, and infrastructural civil structures like, commercial places, Industrial Structures, […]

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Why global leaders are suddenly interested in vedic socialism, pardon विश्वगुरु?

Labor unrest has increased recently due to rising food and energy prices pushing inflation, job loss and employer pay offers failed to keep pace with the increasing cost of living. But political activism by billionaire corporations or technocrats seems to be rather different altogether, and a recent socialist sounding capital phenomenon.

Economy Lifestyle People Politics World विश्वगुरु

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TFAANG & Co force-feeding ads & sermons based on big data theft via mobile apps

How was Linux Australia coerced to change stance? Chanakya durniti aayog political parties were abusing social media PR cum marketing for bumper votes, and sponsored branding, now the same so-called tech innovation balloons are haunting and fighting back for long-term continuity and its ROI capitalism. Ironic all-round abuse of 99% social slaves.. pissing-off VC-driven tech corns flying with “Show me the revenue growth” models.

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