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Global Trends

Home & Design

Rain is falling, city contractors dancing like peacocks – chama-cham!

Rains are earth’s age-old cure for depleting groundwater, even a KG kid will suggest those “be practical” shouting so-called development policy making messiahs to remove greedy concrete, human barriers & artificial chokes to allow natural soaking… or face and push citizen slaves into as many disasters chanting more development for tight-wing cum crooked supremacist gangs.

Builders Corruption Infrastructure Lifestyle Politics Real Estate

Sports & Lifestyle

Wearables: the next big mobile trend after smartphones?

In factories, smartwatches could be used to reduce employee workload and optimize employee safety. Hospitals could use them for real-time communication between doctors and nursing staff, and airports and hotels could use them to streamline check-in procedures. While these sorts of applications are still in their infancy at the moment, they will undergo rapid growth over the next few years.

Entertainment Lifestyle People Software Technology Telecom

Latest in Blogs

Cronies and co bribe buying your secrets from social media for malicious profiling

It’s both smart and essential for vulnerable job seeking preys to remember that much of what they post to the Internet – and equally important, what others post about them – can be freely found or bought by prospective big fish employers, and that can affect their chances of getting hired or fired down the road, and even much worse consequences for smaller fishes in other walks of life.

Corruption Education Lifestyle People Politics Startup Technology