1 9 min 10 mths

It is along Taiwan coastline, with its narrow, winding roads and tunnels carved out of the rock, that dozens have become trapped and social media was soon filled with extraordinary footage of landslides along the coast. Taiwan is largely mountainous in the east and the earthquake tumbled down the mountains, making huge clouds billow up from the sea as they crashed into it. To be a global leader, Ladakh surely deserves being developed as a crown in Himalayan megalopolis, isn’t bhakt? The tremors of your short-gaming government’s smart actions today will be felt by generations after decades, and justice is extrapolated to be surprisingly denied for all.

Ladakh is pristine and picture perfect from above as of now. But there is cause for concern. Global warming is visible extensively in the Trans-Himalayan ranges and the local region is changing significantly due government’s desperate measures to develop its bonded sponsors at any cost. Our विश्वगुरु leaders are playing smart football with Sixth Schedule and Constitution, which gives safeguards to regions where tribal communities are the majority, to the people and their cultures, so that they can determine how these places should be developed without interference from other so-called smart humanoids.

If Ladakh is left open to this kind of free-for-all, with no safeguards, mining contractors and greedy gujju colonizers will surely flock-in from Mainland to conquer nature, as they are doing in rest of the world. We hear reports that they are already scouting in the mountains and valleys. Huge hotel chains are also eager to come here and join the Vikshit bandwagon. There simply won’t be enough water in such high-altitude deserts to support these outrageously asuri demands. Every drop here is important. The tourism industry has already caused a lot of havoc in terms of pollution and water use. What people fear is that without these protections their culture and their way of life — which has been finely tuned over thousands of years to survive in these mountains, in balance with the resources and the environment – they won’t be able to sustain it.

And then there will be more and bigger cemented roads to serve all of this new development, with more diesel trucks, construction machinery and vehicles plying them. All of this activity will lead to more local emissions of black carbon – soot – and we know that this will make the glaciers disappear even faster. Because when the soot falls on the snow and ice, it absorbs solar energy, heating them and speeding up their melting. Never mind, the Vikshit लाभार्थी empire will soon propagate its desi science jumla and religiously-blended sociocultural uniformity to defend this climate rape, just as they’re doing elsewhere.

One thought on “Ladakh is pristine and picture perfect?

  1. It’s hot. A mother works outside, a baby strapped to her back. The two of them breathe in toxic dust, day after day. And they’re just two of thousands, cramped so close together it’s hard to move, all facing down the mountain of cobalt stone. Cobalt mining is one of the world’s most dangerous jobs. And it’s also one of the most essential: cobalt is what powers batteries in smartphones, laptops, electric cars.. More than three-quarters of world’s cobalt supply lies in the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose abundant resources have drawn greed to conquer nature for centuries, destroying habitats.

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