1 10 min 3 yrs

Out of syllabus: A juicy English extravaganza with great antisocial brands on obese stadiums unveiling grand shining statues, emblems and structures, meddling each other’s democratic fortunes with mass entertainment hypnosis, primarily targeted at NRI funders for upcoming elections, corporate traders and the H1B nationalists. Our desi loot-winger counterparts (tagged wahhabis, jugaadu, yankees, jihadis, bhakts, etc..) are working hard extra time to अभिषेक an international hoax armed with Romeo Apache Mishra WMD 🤣 for handsome returns en-route investment for cronies & co. This is on top of the role of corporate donations and campaign bribes by billionaire oligarchs in installing their preferred candidates in power crushing both countries’ great value systems and principles of social harmony & peaceful co-existence. Note the bottom-line, be happy.

Like our desi hoopla media, The Washington Post, owned by billionaire oligarch Jeff Bezos, among world’s richest men, has consistently opposed efforts to expose its class and combat social inequality. Its editorial board has pilloried proposals by socialists to tax the richest Americans, and has condemned research by inequality investigators. Its release of reports condemning socialism just one day before election caucuses in US, seen as a pivotal point in socialists’ cementing lead as the front runner (don’t care about winners!), is a classic viral disinformation operation by the deep state intelligence and bio-weaponized security agencies, to which #PaidMedia (social or otherwise) is politically allied for gains.

Such releases are aimed at threatening, terrorizing and intimidating voters who would otherwise support socialists as a basic human instinct. A report, without any detail, substantiation or proof, instantly became the lead story on election night, as voters goes to polls on next day. Report names no sources, does not identify the nature of the government officials, and provides no information about the content of the alleged support by foreigners. No facts are presented to substantiate the vague claim of foreign government backing for the socialist campaigns, just viral fake news 💱 backdoor advert bribes from capitalists.

Democratic Socialism candidate in one breath denounces billionaire oligarchies who are trying to buy elections, and in the next had to declare, no matter who wins, we are going to come together to question and defeat most dangerous ideas… There are fierce counter concerns over growth of anti-capitalist and pro-socialist sentiments and the upsurge in the class struggle of which selfless socialists will always remain initial and right beneficiaries as is the case since many centuries of human civilizations. Starting last decade, the financial oligarchy is incensed and frightened by socialists’ calls for modest increases in wealth taxes, socialist talk of free education, non-fancy energy bills, ending private healthcare / banking / insurance terror, safeguarding basic utility services and reining in the profits of corporate giants, and appeals to popular citizen anger over the staggering levels of social inequality.

Ref: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/02/22/sand-f22.html – Feb 22, 2020

One thought on “Happiness Syllabus: Eat less hype, hysteria, salt & sugars. Question more!

  1. It takes two to tango. Meta Whatsapp Media university is great in misguiding masses en masse, branding its clan as champs of social media. Pre-planned for a judge, why not plan transfer of this loot-wing Govt & its bhakts to its favorite capital – Ahmedabad or Lahore, making India much safer? Even a 3 years kid can guess, who appears and acts like Raavan in this business of hate politics + religion trading market. Smell the coffee, understandably its painful for anyone to regret to have fearfully or forcibly supported these Ram-Alla masked rioting mafia filled with imported DNAs from across the borders.

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