Sep 22, 2019: Reflection upon the sad state of the European patent system and how media turns a blind eye to it; worldwide, in general, the discussion about patents is being warped by the litigation giants, whose sole goal is to maximise the number of lawsuits / shakedowns (personal gain).
Generally speaking, the litigation industry can be exceptionally malicious; it’s defending malicious patent trolls and demonising actual scientists who create something, dubbing them “efficient infringers” etc. (even the CCIA complained about this misguided term a few days ago).
To the trolls’ lobby, no doubt, sites like Techrights are “malicious”; they call us all sorts of names, but that lacks substance to rest on. Their argument boils down to, “they criticise what we do, hence bad!” Don’t worry, abuse is a legitimate weapon but they’re NOT going to win anyway by hook or crook, says Editor of
Maybe the international media should focus on that instead of Cristiano Ronaldo. Or perhaps it should write about illegal patents on plants and seeds. It’s happening right now in Europe and almost nobody talks about it. Mainstream media isn’t highlighting the absurdity of it!
It’s a real shame that Techrights is one of the last remaining sites to cover EPO abuses. We’re still watching these things closely (as close as possible) and everything we see suggests no improvement at all. Global Legal Chronicle has just mentioned this opposition to potentially bogus European Patents. “Jones Day,” it said, “is representing The Samvardhana Motherson Group and its subsidiaries in bringing opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office (“EPO”) and German Patent and Trademark Office (“GPTO”) relating to camera image processing technologies for drive assistance systems, including augmented reality features and gesture based human machine interfaces.”