Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) issued guidelines in Sep 2019 prompting mobile operators to invest in blockchain technology in order to control unwanted messages from marketing companies. TRAI claims to be ready with blockchain-based Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platform to counter spam and fraud, as per some media reports. A move towards learning new technologies, with bank distributed ledger projects and blockchain technologies using the SWOC framework are fast moving beyond research.. BOT based covert surveillance systems taking over human touch towards safer and smarter loot.
Private operators are cheering and tweeting about new DLT platform, seeing apparent opportunities for more profiteering and monopolies. Enterprises wanting to send promotional messages on DND (Do Not Disturb) customers will need mandatory consent every year on DLT platform even if the users have given their consent before. Subscriber may have given consent for a service but that consent is liable to be misused. Under the new system, the mobile subscriber will be able to revoke the consent given to entities whenever he or she desires through TRAI app or some other mechanism that will be provided under the regulation. Predatory data mining brands like Whatsapp, Meta, Private Mob Apps, Finance Mafia, Amazonian Apples, BaniDani & Co, Aadhar big data, Banks, FAANG Bots etc.. are premium AI exceptions though, with marked ministerial jugaad as always!

The enterprises also need to have templates approved by the telemarketers. Once the DLT platform is live, all senders need to register and procure unique sender IDs with telemarketers registered for the new platform. The process of acquiring sender IDs will be similar to registering a domain name. Once an ID is registered, it may be blocked across all operators and can be used only by the registrant.