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Nov 17, 2014: Every single person grows up with the aim of some day being able to purchase their dream home. Although the ideas may stem from “batcaves” and “Cinderella style castles” most people modify them and settle with spacious and luxurious homes. For most of us, purchasing a property is probably one of the biggest financial commitments we will ever make in the span of our lives making it an even more important decision than it already is. With the changing dynamics and realty focused market scenario, this is the perfect time to take the plunge and purchase a home in India. With some simple steps, you will be able to turn this dream into reality without any fuss.

Determine What You Can Afford
Before making the plunge, it is important to determine what sum of money you can afford to pay. This will in turn help you establish the kind of property and location that is suitable for you. Factorise your lifestyle trends and analyse the kind of properties available in the market. Compare prices by reviewing Anjara Homes Price List with other surrounding prices to get an estimated idea of the value you will receive for your money. Since this is the first home you are purchasing you also need to ensure it is a smart investment choice. From ensuring you have access to all the basic amenities and facilities to being in a developing area, choose your first home wisely.

Review your Finances
Before you approach a lender for a housing loan make sure you have an estimate of your spending habits. Make sure you list down all your income and expenses, including bills, groceries and entertainment on a budgeting spreadsheet. Also make sure in the estimated loan amount you take into consideration all the estimated spending related to the home. The hidden costs may often be a sum larger than considered putting your calculations at a risk.

Maintaining an Impressive Record
It is extremely important to establish a good savings habit if you wish to pay off all your debts and loans. It is extremely easy to discard the amount you need to pay back but the building interest on your loan can often trap you into a vicious cycle. Your past spending habits, reliability and all such factors will determine if your loan is approved or not. This is why it is also important to clear your debts from beforehand and maintain a tidy debit history. Minimising your accounts will also give you some much needed breathing space.

Cost Structure and a Helping Hand
A number of developers such as Anjara Noida Extention give various payment plans and schemes that allow you some room before you have to make a payment. Instead of providing the entire sum at one go, you can pay up in easy schemes without any fuss. When you maintain impeccable records and a tidy history, not only will it be easier for you to apply for home loans but also give you a comprehensible account sheet which will help you maintain your finances efficiently.

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