1 16 min 12 mths

Prime helps you create non-AI apps and bots for secure use. With naturally down-to-earth green technologies, tools and easy-to-use interfaces, you can customize personality of your apps, bots, sites and provide instructions for an engaging and personalized experience for your customers and visitors.

Get end-to-end app / site designing, development and cloud solutions. It is a place where you can get complete digital solutions. From the birth of a site to maturity it in competitive market. Unlike other agencies & firms, Prime offers unique synthesis, fusing your goals and ideas with professional approach, excellence in web development, mobile apps, Internet promotion, digital marketing innovation and above all – trust and reliability. We create websites and mobile applications that focus on encouraging communication, refreshing experiences, exploration and are developed on our core value of converting the complex into simple for its informed clients.

Range of inexpensive digital solutions for both small website owners and businesses that need secure and responsive presence on internet without falling prey to the unknown and fancy brand hypes. Our #1 Priority is making your website / app load on visitor’s blink with any device! Looking for Secure Dedicated Web and Email Servers? Rock-solid performance; perfect for larger sites / apps!

Multi Domain Responsive Web Presence with Google and Mobile optimized powerful shared and dedicated servers: Perfect for NGOs, small business owners, web designers, resellers, business websites, mail servers and blogs. Comes with Linux, BSD, Windows, PHP, .Net, Java, Nginx, Apache and more. Securely host unlimited domains, business emails, useful mobile features. Online marketing, social media promotion, search advertising tools and add-ons with insights, solutions, mobile apps and marketing ideas that help shape your digital future.

Prime creates professional, high-end open source and custom built website design and development solutions with the latest in web / mobile standards, compliance for maximum ease-of-use, stability, reach and speed. You need a great-looking, easy-to-find and fast-loading website. The truth is, you can’t afford NOT to have a great website. Bad websites do not cut anymore! Get a Free Domain Name + VPS Hosting + WP / Drupal CMS + CiviCRM deployment + Your Own Mobile Apps + You fully own your digital assets, with Prime. Explore http://indiahosting.org for more.

We know, there are lots of people and greedy large outfits out there slapping together cheap budget APIs and the results are as obvious: amateurish, insecure, bloated, slow-loading, search engine unfriendly sites that break when viewed across multiple browsers and operating systems. Some firms even do it free just to monopolize in future and fool the business owner and the larger user-base. If you actively support and work towards “Freedom of Internet”, we can extend special discounts on our fees for custom, open and honest diital services.

Design and Development – Mobile App Development – E-Com / CRM – Media / Magazine Sites – Drupal Service Plans – E-Learning & Education – Enterprise Web Portals & Bots – WordPress for Business.

With skilled individuals, we pride on our innovative and creative approach to business websites, portals, dedicated servers, secure SSL hosting, corporate mail servers, CMS, blogs, shopping carts, applications, managed hosting, website design, online marketing and advertising, mobile-friendly sites and interactive multimedia. We undertake web site service projects for hundreds of clients across India and beyond. Our objective is to deliver products that look and feel great and offer bottom line benefit to YOU.

1. Corporate or Business Web Sites and Portals
2. Websites and Portals for NGOs and Non Profit organizations
3. Web Portals for Government organizations and agencies
4. Promo Web Sites for small companies and startup entrepreneurs
5. Internet and Social Media marketing agency services
6. E-Governance and Customer Service CMS
7. Full Service E-commerce Portals for manufacturers and traders
8. Mobile and Tablet Compatible sites and apps for Android, Apple, Windows, etc..

Generate more images and video, stream your TV / OTT shows, record your meetings, surveil your employees, citizens and customers, snap 10 photos of every scene to make sure you get perfect one for Instagram. Run it through as many AI filters. Sync and save everything in the cloud indefinitely. Keep feeding the generative tools with all that content. Rinse and repeat celebrating your large carbon footprint!

About Prime and The Green Digital Initiative: To reduce carbon emissions and electricity usage, our green digital initiatives and self-regulated standards / specifications are in force since last 10 years. Procurement, use, and recycling of green IT hardware, better resource utilization for environmental protection. Unique specifications for devices like personal computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, servers, and other hardware focus on reducing energy consumption while-in-use, and in longevity, repairability, and recyclability. Prime cloud offer potential for increased energy efficiency of IT systems helping bundle services and operations away from less secure and less efficient large data center monopolies, thus significantly reducing energy consumption, waste and greenhouse emissions.

Write to info@osspl.com for quote or explore http://indiahosting.org for more details

One thought on “AI Free Digital Prime – Natural & Green

  1. 90% of a website’s or app’s popularity (search engines, social media and real decisive visitors) are still driven by great content, beyond and above all formal metrics, ranks and fancy SLAs.

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