0 5 min 4 yrs

UGJT tournaments are open to Ultimate golf junior tour members only. To become a member one needs to register on the UGJT website. Upcoming UGJT tournaments when open for registration will be put up on their website. Registration for the tournament will close six days prior to the date of the tournament, Entries will be accepted on a first come first serve basis . To see the list of Tournaments please go to Location and dates or use here to register. (Sep 23, 2014)

In the event of a tournament being oversubscribed, he / she will be put on the waiting list. Players on the wait list may be put on the confirmed list on account of withdrawal by players who have secured a spot. Players will be informed of their status (Confirmed / Wait-list) by E-mail, wait listed players who are unable to make it to the confirmed list will receive a full refund of the tournament fee.

Entries will close six days prior to the tournament date. If a player wishes to enter after the registration for the tournament has closed, he / she may write to the tournament committee requesting for the same. The decision of the tournament committee will be communicated by E-mail.

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