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Ayurveda can be described as one of the oldest forms of medicine, which is widely used in daily lives of millions, mostly unrelated to volumes of modern science and certified alternative practices. Many mildly unhealthy people choose specialized Ayurveda Healing to perform natural remedies as a preventive treatment for numerous illnesses and future conditions.

Ayurveda uses a combination of massage, herbal remedies, yoga, and mediation to provide its 360° methods of healing. Our sources had convened and discussed human existence in its totality and how to protect it by removing diseases from the root. Physical healing is the first and most important process. Herbs are used in Panchakarma to bring their special resonance deep within our being. Each herb is a treasure, a message with love from the source.

Various methods relating to elements and doshas can be used as physiology purification treatments, after which there are preparatrion period (called Purvakarma) and post purification period (called Paschatkarma). Once body is clean with digestion strong and balanced, Rasayana or rejuvenation can begin.

The agni or metabolism of the body is now ready to receive new wisdom in the form of matter via special compounds that carry wisdom of where you want to develop the system. For Rasayana many herbs like Amalaka, Haritaki, Shatavari, Ashwaghanda etc are used.

Nasyam – Application of medicated substances to nose for purifying head region. Nasya has a miraculous effect on diseases of the senses, mouth, mind, head, eyes and any ailment in this critical region which is our main connecting point through Adipathi marma with the outside world. This assists the nasal cavity’s natural cleansing mechanism and lubricates its delicate tissues. Provides the soothing and moisturizing benefits of oil and calming herbs.

Vamana – A beautiful gentle procedure of cleaning old toxins from the stomach through vomiting in a very gently managed way after drawing the toxins from the upper zone back to the stomach. It works best in many cases of insanity (unmada), asthma, allergies, chronic cold and cough recurring and any disease of the Kapha Zone.

Virechana – Purgation for cleaning truck zone of human body. Seat of liver, gall bladder, speem, small intestine (the seat of Pitta) and so many other critical systems. Works on Fire element and enhances all Agni’s or metabolisms in the system. Virechana is general purification targeting toxins causing excess anger, emotional distress, mental fatigue and poor digestion.

Niruha Basti – Cleans large intestine through using preparations that pull out toxic buildup in the colon, penetrating all layers of the body. Vata is seated in the colon so if the colon is functioning well, Vata which is the organizing intelligence of the entire body, will do it’s job well. As a result, you get perfect health and immunity.

Anuvasan Basti – Nourishes large intestine with special medicated oils – nourishing root of the tree. The colon is the root of our digestive system and root of our body. Charaka even goes so far as to say that most diseases can be treated with simple basti treatment. We can remove toxins from all systems through the colon. Vata resides here and Vata guides Pitta and Kapaha to do their work of metabolizing and structuring.

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