Create Record (or) Nominate Award – Is Your Mind Genius ! – Genius Mind Talent Hunt – It’s Open Competition. We welcome Genius Mind Book of Records & Awards, a renowned platform for Book of World Records in education and for a new intelligentsia. Albert Einstein, a 20th-century symbol of scientific genius, Leonardo da Vinci is widely acknowledged as having been a genius and a polymath. William James Sidis, Abdesselam Jelloul, and Magnus Carlsen etc., known to be geniuses. They are public and historic personalities.
We have a plenty of intellectuals, creative and talented youth and kids around us, but we are not in a position to recognize their ingeniousness. Genius is not innate ability – It’s the output of hard work. Genius Mind World Records take initiative on behalf of the talented and make them to stand at forefront in the society and sustain the real development to the world.
Genius World Records search, observe, extract, expose, recognize and record the hidden or unhidden talent or ingeniousness of the students or persons and conduct the competitions and provide awards, prizes and certificates. (Mar 22, 2015)
Send your nomination and inquiries to
Venue: Hyderabad – Telangana State – India
Last date for nomination : April 30
Genius Mind World Records on 9th May
Genius Mind Award felicitation : 10th May
Visit us at geniusmindworldrecords.com