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Its like legally appointing potential bandits to guard or work for public banks! The Open Rights Group has launched a satirical government website called The Department of Dirty that highlights the problems related to default-on Internet filtering. The slow summer months are often used by politicians to push for more Internet censorship or crackdowns and blame the web for every ill often as a prelude to further legislative action. July and August can be used to more easily get the headlines in order to set politically motivated social agendas via buying heads of paid media heroes. Why important for India? Find out the number of covert and overt joint ventures involving European telecom giants here!

Earlier UK prime minister’s intervention to bolster porn filtering powers follows the European Parliament’s introduction of #NetNeutrality regulations, which will ban the current porn filtering agreement. ISPs will now be forced to implement and maintain the controversial porn filters, UK government has said. Critics of the EU bill argued it didn’t provide strong enough protections from companies abusing the management of the internet but widely the decision says the internet should be provided without “interference or discrimination”.

It’s only natural that people worry about their kids, isn’t it? The problem is that educating them about things like relationships, uncool ethics, pornography and hate speech costs a lot of resources. Not only that, there are voting always due. So we’re all better off if we pretend we’re sorting out social problems by banning Internet. Job done.

Reports had warned anti-discrimination rules would mean the optional porn filter agreement with ISPs wouldn’t be lawful, though it is also vitally important that to enable parents to have that protection for their children.

Sky is blocking adult websites for all UK customers by default, new BT customers also have filters turned on, and TalkTalk has started to turn the settings on by default. Previously, the Conservatives have voiced plans to introduced age-verification on “all sites containing pornographic material,” meaning that everyone would need to provide their personal details when wanting to access the material.

UK internet service providers and mobile operators happily agreed to switch on default adult content filters. This means that anyone wanting to view adult content has to actively inform their supplier. It’s being done, nominally, to protect children from corrupting influences, but the filters have been shown to be incredibly ineffective, letting hardcore material slip thorough the net while preventing access to sex education, addiction information, abuse charity sites and possibly some smaller Internet service providers. (Source: Wired UK, Sep 24, 2015)

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