0 8 min 3 yrs

Not all shipments are created equal! The size, weight, destination, and other elements of your package will affect the final shipping price. Shipping can be complicated, peek a list of common factors that affect the price of your shipment. We know you’re busy and don’t always have time to compare rates between all the different carriers. That’s why when you visit a location, apps automatically compare shipping rates to help you find the best rate and service for your package.

Guaranteed Delivery Times
What it is: The time the carrier guarantees your package will be tendered at the delivery address on the package. Times vary by carrier, and guarantees can be suspended during peak seasons and adverse weather conditions.

Who does it: Many

How it affects you: If you need your package to arrive by a certain day and time, make sure to select the correct service which will get your package to its destination on time. The sooner you want your package to arrive, the more you will pay.

Missed Delivery Attempts
What it is: The number of times a carrier will attempt to deliver a package to its destination’s address before the recipient must retrieve the package from a carrier’s facility instead.
Who does it: Many

How it affects you: You will make three delivery attempts. After those three attempts, they will hold the shipment at a nearby facility for few days before returning it to the sender. Some will make one delivery attempt. If you miss it, you can pick up your package at a Office location, or you can request a redelivery attempt. If you miss the first delivery attempt from even some others, you can either request a redelivery or go to the post office to pick up your package.

Dimensional Weight
What it is: A pricing method which determines the shipping rate based on the dimensions of a package, calculated by multiplying the length, width and height of a package and dividing by a number which varies by a selected class of service.

Who does it: Many
How it affects you: The size of your package may affect the price, not just the actual weight. Even if your package is light, you may be charged based on its size instead.

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