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A community-driven eMagazine and Press Releases Portal (no print version available) and is divided into different Sections – all frequently updated. Covers News, Listings, Trends, Jobs, Events, Polls, Exhibitions, Meetups, Announcements, Geo Reports and Special Columns.

To support all the stakeholders convincingly and rather than pure theorizing, we focused on creating a strong, open, social and living solution, we called it “Wisepoint.org”.

First Press Releases portal to introduce lots of features for media professionals, anti-propaganda sciences, academies / companies / agencies and general public! We also bring you new thoughts with our panel of Editors, Writers and Experts. Features prolific articles, news reports, upcoming events, listings, infrastructure trends, expert reviews and special columns on the many facets that mark dramatic global changes.

Frequently asked questions Do you have a question you need answered? Leave your comments, you might find the information you need. This is a free consumer advocacy site and you’ll find many tips.

We have special Videos, Press Releases, Events, Periodical Mailers as Journals, Interview Sections. You are welcome to submit Press Releases, Special Offers and your Own Personal or Official Blogs. We aim towards creating a free and transparent on-line publication media to facilitate free media and search tech. We are neither profit making dealers, agents or provide any direct promo services, you should contact the advertisers directly to get more on their ads, listings, claims, offers, etc.

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Academy of Editors, Wisepoint.org