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Algae as an energy source and heat: Innovative architecture

Apr 27, 2015: Few apartment complexes in Hamburg, Germany intends to generate heat, as well as revenue, from growing the micro-organism! Algae goes through the photosynthesis stage, you get lipids, which is basically a form of oil, and you have to subtract that out of […]

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Structural collapses or moral collapse due to cronies driven economies and empires!

Plausible deniability is a cognitive trait of most populist leaders & hoarders, milking eyes closed. Though as a natural immune response, most animals shut eyes for few moments while confronting any visible shock – and so are polity cats pocketing public funds in the name of “some development” for its gang of cronies!

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A simplified overview of mobile devices

The main CPU (inside the SoC) starts by executing hard-wired boot instructions (that cannot be changed), known as the bootrom. It will look up various places such as NAND, eMMC or MMC (SD / Micro SD Card) storage, depending on the hardware configuration, to load a bootloader. The bootloader, which is in fact often split in different stages, is in charge of bringing up and configuring various aspects of the hardware and eventually starting the operating system by loading and running its kernel.

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