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The lucrative mafia cum development messiahs – Cut, Dig & Mine for free-fall bucks!

Big machines would scrape the seafloor, scooping up nodules while kicking up clouds of sediment, potentially damaging the deep sea on a vast scale by removing habitat and species and altering ecosystems. But the capitalists have better gujju-type imperial ideas.. Instead of studying and learning, let’s tear and bulldoze the seafloors and spaces apart in order to make money, lots and lots of money, for X trillions GDP targets, towards economic supremacy greed while smartly covering-up its future consequences!

Agriculture Climate Corruption Economy Energy Infrastructure Lifestyle Politics Transport World विश्वगुरु

Pervasive government surveillance – digital devices as colonising tools!

Notes for Policy Jokers: Do not use generative AI tools in any aspect of public services without getting one-to-one approval from each citizen, until you’re able to truthfully explore the opportunities and the risks they bring, the public terms of use for almost all of these tools also carry significant legal and national risks for protecting human rights, privacy, intellectual property and other rights.

Corruption Infrastructure Linux Politics Software Technology Telecom

From Spy Scripts to Hype Apps: Technology is advancing backwards!

The politically cherished companies are now openly and daringly experimenting over Internet and inserting whatever stuff can increase its apps ROI, even premier spy agencies jumped into petty propaganda to stalk govt critics and please its bosses (NOT really to secure citizens but mostly to put them in harms way) Pledge to kiss your Smartphone everyday via NSG / NSA lips!

Corruption Lifestyle Politics Software Startup Technology Telecom

Give up ChorBhakti and practice Swami Vivekananda, not just PR salvage!

Do not forget that if you are getting subsidized energy, education, housing, health or anything else – you are not taking any freebies or sucking from the government reserves. You have already paid for your own so-called subsidy and for many others, in form of multiple taxes you pay every hour to reckless governments and few of its beneficiary bhakts – the consolidated funds of Indian Union is NOT filled by any branded parties or its charming leaders!

Corruption Economy Lifestyle People Politics World विश्वगुरु

Why clean organizations and governments must avoid cronies of Darwin’s grapevine?

What is Project Trillion Dollars GDP? Priced low or offered for FREE just to attract as many human pigs possible and cut competition. The celebrities sponsoring / promoting such ideas / brands are cronies of Darwin’s grapevine.. consequences cannot be established with short-term view or misguided corn of uni-wisdom binaries.

Corruption Infrastructure Lifestyle Politics Software Technology Telecom World विश्वगुरु

Rain is falling, city contractors dancing like peacocks – chama-cham!

Rains are earth’s age-old cure for depleting groundwater, even a KG kid will suggest those “be practical” shouting so-called development policy making messiahs to remove greedy concrete, human barriers & artificial chokes to allow natural soaking… or face and push citizen slaves into as many disasters chanting more development for tight-wing cum crooked supremacist gangs.

Builders Corruption Infrastructure Lifestyle Politics Real Estate

Man made floods, quakes, disasters and angry climate – nature’s shaking revenge!

Instead of showoff prayers and exploring jugaad technologies to build and develop safe cocoons cum disaster-proof arks, masks, space colonies, shuttles / satellites, surveilling radars, AI drones, VIP bunkers and caves, we must passionately listen to heart beats of our lonely planet and learn to live with it, not outsmart it!

Climate Corruption Education Energy Infrastructure Lifestyle People Politics World विश्वगुरु

Mutated consumer behavior during pandemic to post-pandemic AI consumerism!

Emotional people’s political and social beliefs are rooted in unprocessed trauma, they never mind supporting any gang of crooks, opportunists, racists and aspiring fascists out of a deep-seated need to see their perceived enemies suffer: tight-wing reactionaries delight only when their enemies have been gleefully trolled via any #messiah namely MuskX, ModiG, MurdochR, MadC, MetaF, MediaP, MaharajaI, MukeshA or anything sounding royal..

Corruption Entertainment Lifestyle Media / PR People Politics Technology World विश्वगुरु