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Left, Right, Center Politics – best to divide humans, religions, cultures & communities for political power to serve cronies!

हे राम, लंका में घूसा पञ्चमुख वानर बलवान, आक्रामक रावण सेना की छान-बीन चिंतन मन्थन.. अहंकार के कारण डाल-डाल पर सोने की चिड़ियां से भोली चिड़िया के सत्य का हत्या.. “The left revolt in bad times, the right feast in good times, the center sails with a foot on both boats, while the republic enjoys happiness as long in safe times!” – Sudhir Panda

Corruption Economy Lifestyle People Politics World विश्वगुरु

Emerging 2024 Challenges for Exporters / Importers – Accelerating Deglobalization

World’s second-largest owner of container ships has instructed its vessels heading for the southern entrance of the Red Sea to pause their voyages after its vessel Maersk Gibraltar was attacked. The wave of attacks against merchant ships in the Red Sea / Suez Canal is forcing companies to send ships on longer routes and threatens to hurt an already down global economy.

Economy Investment Manufacturing People Politics Transport Travel World विश्वगुरु

Wait until Google Govt & its AI empire gets even more smartly malicious?

A shocked system is forcing auto-updated and maliciously private mobile apps on all devices, for more profiling of non-लाभार्थी societies beyond AI scale – luring masses to barter privacy, security, ethics, morality, humanity, culture, civilization for vikas and a few other विश्वगुरु items!

Corruption Infrastructure Lifestyle Linux Media / PR Software Startup Technology Telecom World विश्वगुरु

Proudly wearing a certified CIBIL credit score tattoo, issued by Mafia Capitalism?

The entire apparatus of government, police, finance bazars, judiciary and prisons providing enforcement and surveillance. Instead of taxing rich लाभार्थी Lobbyists to generate money to build and maintain things like schools and roads, our government actually borrows money from the banks while general consuming public pays the interest on these loans

Banking / Finance Corruption Economy Investment Lifestyle People Politics Technology World विश्वगुरु