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CapriCoast marketplace for modular furnishing has partnered with Sleek International

CapriCoast.com, India’s only marketplace for modular furnishing has now partnered with Sleek International, an Asian paints subsidiary company. Sleek is India’s largest modular kitchen brand, having successfully established itself in what is, otherwise, a hugely unorganized industry. Sleek International is the newest feather in the […]

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Manufacturers of accessories for garden, tools, bicycle spare parts and hand tools

Dawson Sales is manufacturers exporters distributors suppliers of bicycle spare parts, strut channel accessories, pipe clamps, spring channel nuts, cantilever arms, complete bicycles, cuplock system jacks, drop forged and pressed couplers scaffoldings, formwork accessories, garden tools and utensils, hand tools, hammer, wrenches, spanners pliers, pincer […]

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Book your elec bike ?

Apr 19, 2016: Choosing electric bikes is an intelligent way of pollution-free transportation. And as there is no need of petrol or any other fuel, it can help you save a huge! Click to View: yobykes.in


Influx of Foreign Investment in Infrastructure to Drive Commercial Construction Industry?

Jun 17, 2019: Tremendous expansion of commercial construction sectoris recorded in past 15 years because of rise of GDP and increase in price of oil. This expansion of commercial construction sector is forecasted to progress further since Dubai is hosting world expo which would improve […]

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