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Algae as an energy source and heat: Innovative architecture

Apr 27, 2015: Few apartment complexes in Hamburg, Germany intends to generate heat, as well as revenue, from growing the micro-organism! Algae goes through the photosynthesis stage, you get lipids, which is basically a form of oil, and you have to subtract that out of […]

Architecture Builders Climate Education Energy Food / Beverages Infrastructure Lifestyle Manufacturing People Real Estate World विश्वगुरु

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Corruption काल – विष या अमृत?

One must remember that the greatness of a country or civilization depends upon the character of its people. Thus, there is a dire need for putting in place a system that prohibits monetary corruption while bulldozing real guilty (विष) parties including अमृतकाल crime partners, if we are to arrest societies’ decline into moral apathy.

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Japan Telecoms, Mobile, Broadband And Digital Media: Statistics / Analyses

The Digital Economy is driving growth. Japan’s telecommunications sector is one of the most developed markets in the world. Japan’s telecom market is characterised by customers possessing a willingness to adopt new technologies combined with an increasingly sophisticated interest in the wider application of telephone […]

Economy Infrastructure Lifestyle Retail Startup Technology Telecom World विश्वगुरु