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Big Data, Big Impact on Commercial Realty

This is the result of easier and more convenient access to meaningful data on markets, asset classes, trades and behaviors. While there’s always room for the creative and the nimble in the real estate industry, with the growth of data sources and solutions, it makes it easier for players of any size to be well informed and to better execute.

Builders Economy Infrastructure Investment Real Estate Retail Software Technology

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Book Launch – From Sofa to 5K

YouTooCanRun is proud to announce the release of India’s first book on running for good health. Aptly titled ‘From Sofa to 5K’, it seeks to make running easy and fun. Decoding the science of running and putting it in simple to understand terms, the book […]

Art Lifestyle People

Test Tube Baby in a IVF Center

There are many IVF centers propping up now-a-days. These IVF Clinics and specialists claims to deal in many similar services that run for the welfare of families, who are not blessed with organic kids. Best IVF Clinics always receive compliments and blessings from its patients […]

Health Lifestyle People

Notebooks, netbooks, pads and laptops

Notebooks, netbooks and laptops use mobile processors. They are generally made to use less voltage, to spare battery life, and to run cooler because mobile machines don’t have huge fans and airy cases like desktops. As a general rule, the faster the CPU / GPU, […]

Retail Startup Technology

Legacy of commitment and quality – MDI

MDI Murshidabad which comes with rich legacy of MDI Gurgaon, a brand synonymous with quality management education and often ranked after IIM, Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Kolkata; is nestled amidst lush green and serene atmosphere in a historic landscape in Murshidabad, 250 KM away from Kolkata. […]

Education Lifestyle Politics

Healthy Growth of Global Defense Industry!

Explore topics like intelligence strategies, lobbying jugaad, armed mercenaries, warfare profiteering, smart AI propaganda, droned community profiling and procurement budget. Defense is a heavy industry which requires bulk investment with bulk hypes. Domestic companies cannot compete with the global companies or other economies without the support.

Corruption Economy Entertainment Infrastructure Investment Law / Legal Lifestyle Manufacturing Politics Technology World विश्वगुरु

Startups at CEBIT: Showtime for tomorrow’s market leaders

The new CEBIT is Europe’s leading event for startups. And it’s all down to scale11, a highly successful showcase for founders and entrepreneurs. scale11 is a springboard for hip and creative new business ideas from Germany and around the world. Held in Hall 27 this June, it will give more than 350 young enterprises from 40 nations the opportunity to network with market incumbents, investors and other lateral thinkers.

Economy Lifestyle People Software Startup Technology World विश्वगुरु

Truths of Money, Currency, Capitalism, Corruption, Cost of Living and Inflation

Countries going bankrupt or gangs of capitalists & smart bhakts getting richer via public loot? They are finally figuring out who the real target of their anger should be as protesters broke through the front gate of Sri Lanka’s Central Bank. .. this is excreta of bloody capital metabolism, just natural Nobel capitalist suckers can dare any anti-social / anti-climate deals with ease!

Banking / Finance Corruption Economy Education Investment Lifestyle People Politics World विश्वगुरु