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Why a day called International Womens Day?

Unlike many other rights suppressed, few women may cheer a day for some freedom dream fanfare to step into men’s mineral-rich drains of politics and public live fame. Only time will judge if such days and quotas are to really cleanse social orders or just for opposing man-hunting and profit-sharing by appeasing the empire’s greed & hype, repeating history as is since time immemorial..

Art Corruption Entertainment Lifestyle People Politics World विश्वगुरु

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Blockchain-based DLT platforms to counter spams / frauds or covert surveillance + profiteering monopolies?

Private operators are cheering and tweeting about new DLT platform, seeing apparent oppurtunities for more profiteering and monopolies.. Predatory data mining brands like Whatsapp, Meta, Private Mob Apps, Finance Mafia, Amazon Flips, Aadhar big data, Banks, Google Bots etc.. are premium AI exceptions though, with marked ministerial jugaad as always!

Law / Legal Lifestyle Linux People Politics Software Technology Telecom

Decentralized Social Point Management Tools enhance our arsenal!

The importance of creating and sharing visual content on Social Media could be easily gauged by the increasing popularity of two of the most popular social platforms in this space, SocialAsia. The shift to visual social media means that more and more businesses are now starting to communicate visually with their fans, followers, and customers.

Lifestyle Linux Media / PR People Software Startup Technology World विश्वगुरु