Neptune Krill Oil™ is a patented marine oil that contains Omega-3 (EPA and DHA), phospholipids, and antioxidants (astaxanthin, vitamins A and E).
Known as the gatekeepers of human cells, phospholipids make up every cell membrane in the human body and help protect and keep our cells healthy. Since the EPA and DHA in NKO® are attached to phospholipids, they are
2.5 times more bioavailable for use by cells within our body than conventional fish oils.
Neptune Krill Oil™ also contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that is attached to the Omega-3s. It has been demonstrated that astaxanthin helps rid the body of the “free radicals” that contribute to damaging our cells, helping to reduce the aging process.
Neptune Krill Oil™ is extracted from 100% pure Antarctic krill, it is free of potentially harmful levels of heavy metals and contaminants, and Neptune ensures that it is harvested in an environmentally responsible fashion.