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The Charming Looters Cult: Network of billionaires, media magnates, deep state’s propagandists, ministers, mafia fascists and would-be tyrants have made a major miscalculation; one that ultimately forgets why they wanted to create propaganda machines out of media channels, news websites and social media platforms in the first place. Namely, they are assuming that you simply don’t have any choice but to participate in so-called AI information economy they define, on platforms they control.

Message for Capital Extremists: The only fight that is going to solve anything from here forward is the fight to divest ourselves entirely from trillion dollars capitalism. Nothing else will be healed until we stop destroying our ecosystems and communities in the quest to make a few not-so-rich men even richer than they were when they were born. Fuck capitalism, we are humans and we should start to behave like a community instead of a commodity. Else, prepare to ride many more bumpy covid highways, made in Global Gujjustan, neither Bharat or India.

Deepfake democracy by technologically sophisticated parties: If every AI product needs approval, it looks like an impossible task for the beneficiary governments as well. They might need another GenAI (generative AI) bot to test these so-called AI model start-ups. There are always exemptions from policy advisories for special start-ups bowing before the establishment without questions (with matching DNA genomics alias slavery gotras) – whether vulnerable or deliberately produce politically biased responses, and hallucinations, when AI generates erroneous or fabricated outputs. A playground for manipulated media, a scenario that will cast more shadows over democratic integrity as fully-bonded political terrorists continue to deploy deepfake and similar weapons in fooling citizens, donors, voters, bhakts, non-bhakts and customers.

If we want a sustainable economy that is not dictated by greedy folks who’ve happily sold us out to billionaire crooks setting the planet on fire for profit and planning their safe caves on moon, we’re going to have to learn to prioritize documenting, distributing, and publicizing the truth ourselves. This isn’t a fire and forget media environment anymore, if it ever was. This will require effort, organization, and above all, an emphasis on the critical thinking required to separate truth from propaganda in real time, or we’ll simply replicate the debased networks we’re all now seeking to escape.

Highly paid smart people using AI to distort facts and create a perception that’s not based on truth. Combine the penetration of social media with the rise of AI and partisan journalism, the truth is almost out of reach for millions of citizens. Ordinary people with no public profile are registered on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook etc and used for the campaigns to make it harder for anyone to directly trace them back to parties, candidates, consultants and AI firms – this is part of a clever mix of constructive + destructive Sam Dam Dand Bhed to remotely control as many zombies.

Note for Digital Slaves and Oppositions: AI helps smart fascists and its strategic partners (लाभार्थी) in storing / staring live data via analytic dashboards to punish anyone instantly for non-conformity or opposing their ideas / diktats to secure Führer’s character anyhow, today’s MODIfied India is a developing case study, while west’s social media brands, global tech giants and fully-bonded political terrorists are co-sponsors!

Series: Global Digitability. Read more